This is a platforming game featuring Kim, Ron, and Rufus the naked mole rat. Take on the henchmen and defeat super villains. Just another school night for Team Possible.
This is a 3-stage running game set in the rooftops of Metropolis. Get Batgirl and her fellow superheroines back to her house before her father, Commissioner Gordon, gets back home. Switch between characters to pass obstacles quickly without losing your momentum. Finish each stage quickly to earn a 3 star rating.
Princess Goldblade is a beautiful 8-level platformer game where you collect the treasures of Trink and save the children from an evil monster.
The game comes with infinite lives and many in-level save points which you restart at if you die.
This is a simple hidden object finding game for young girls who try to find friends and pets across 3 simple levels based on Sunny, Rox and Blair. Blair’s level has you use a flashlight to search in the dark.
In this game you must collect the ingredients for a specific blend of pixie dust. Collect the ingredients in the correct order to beat the game.
Answering this 13 question multiple choice quiz will help you find out if you’re more like Sandy Cheeks, April O’Neill, Charlotte Page, or Phoebe Thunderman.